For Freemasons, for families, for everyone
Kindness has always been a core principle of Freemasonry. Individuals give time and money to help Charities and others, whether locally, nationally or globally.
It may be realising a dream for a member’s child, caring for older Freemasons, volunteering on a local community project, making donations to other UK charities or responding to an international disaster appeal.
Today we are one of the UK’s top charities raising over £33 million a year and one of the UK’s main grant-giving bodies.
Becoming a Freemason offers many rewards.
Partially sighted transplant patient crosses the line
Dominion Lodge Grand Patrons certificate The proceeds of which got to Charitable causes
Guys hospital
Transplant Games
Team France
A winner and transplant patient at the Transplant Games
WLFC St Helens Super writers Competition May 2019
St Helens Young Carer’s receive a cheque for £25,000 from the Masonic Charitable foundation
Willowbrooke Hospice receiving a cheque for £2080.00 Masonic Charitable Foundation November 2017